Gripability is presently being applied in the departments for occupational therapy of the following spinal cord injury rehab centres.

Swiss Paraplegics Centre
Formed in 1975, the Swiss Paraplegics Foundation built a worldwide unique chain of extensive services Foto der Schweizer Paraplegiker-Stiftung in Nottwil aimed at a complete rehabilitation of paraplegics and tetraplegics. This is based on a close and efficient cooperation between the Foundation, the Swiss Paraplegic Centre in Nottwil as a privat running special clinic, the Swiss Paraplegics Association as a self-help organization as well as the Swiss Paraplegic Research.

Trauma Center Murnau
The Trauma Center in Murnau was opened on 24.01.1969, with a department for spinal column and spinal Foto der Unfallklinik Murnau injuries as the first paraplegic center in Germany. With a capacity of 81 beds, paraplegic and tetraplegic patients are treated with all necessary resources available to modern spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Unique to the clinic in Murnau is the single sourced care of the paraplegic or tetraplegic injured patients, starting from the accident to the release back home and post-hospitalization.

BG Trauma Hospital Hamburg
The spinal cord injury centre Hamburg is a model organisation for the treatment and rehabilitation of spinal Foto des Unfallkrankenhauses Hamburg cord injuries. BUK Hamburg offers individualized and comprehensive spinal cord injury rehabilitation. The patients meet a highly specialized and experienced staff, state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, proven treatment methods and a large group of patients with similar injuries. Early rehabilitation treatment focuses on working with patients physically and psychologically. The Aim is for patients to maximize their neurological recovery and general health improvement in minimal time and to instruct them on all aspects of their injury and care, so that they will be functionally able to return home as independent and productive as possible, prepared to continue living their lives under the new circumstances.
Neurological Rehabilitation Centre Greifswald
The NRZ is the treatment centre for paraplegics and the priority centre for the treatment of severe Foto des Neurologisches Rehabilitationszentrum Greifswald cranium and brain damage in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. It also provides neurological early rehabilitation and continuative rehabilitation as well as follow-up curative treatment and medical-occupational rehabilitation. Greifswald Rehab's spinal cord rehabilitation centre provides both inpatient and outpatient services and is an essential link in the continuum of care — from acute hospital care up to rehabilitation to a successful return back into the community — for people who sustain paraplegia or tetraplegia in consequence of injurie or illness.

Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Frankfurt
Since 1962, the Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Frankfurt am Main has been treating paraplegic Foto der Unfallklinik Frankfurt and tetraplegic patients whose condition has been caused by accident or disease. The treatment objective for patients is to attain the highest possible independence with the help of all available resources so that they can return to their private surroundings. Here comprehensive multi-disciplinary rehab programmes are offered to optimize patients functional abilities.

Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Duisburg
Duisburgs spinal cord injury centre provides for the multidisciplinary coordination of emergency and acute Foto der Berufsgenossenschaftlichen Unfallklinik Duisburg medical/surgical care, rehabilitation beginning at the onset of acute care, vocational- evaluation and training, and lifetime follow-up care for persons with spinal cord injury. Part of achieving this is ´by keepïng pace with progress in medical technology, and by providing the appropriate environment in which it can happen. Currently a new operation and functional wing is being built to ensure that we can continue to treat our patients in a modern, state-of-the-art clinic.